Dead Heat

“I’m Michael Jackson, you Tito.”

Carter- Rush Hour

I’ll be honest. I’m not sure how to review or even approach this film. There are not many films that are this unique and confusing. How this film got made is an absolute wonder. The buddy cop zombie comedy genre is one that is not done often.

Dead Heat stars Treat Williams and Joe Piscopo as partners investigating murderous, thieving crooks. The film’s stars are a weird combo. Piscopo is hamming it up and seems to understand the film he’s in. Williams doesn’t understand his role as the straight man. The two actors have zero chemistry. The rest of the cast is serviceable, but it wouldn’t matter even if they were better. The film does feature a fun role for Vincent Price and a bit part for Shane Black.

The script is outrageous, but it’s not terrible. Writer Terry Black isn’t great with dialogue, but the story is lots of fun. There are a few fun scenes and more than one crazy twist. The twists don’t necessarily affect the plot but give the film a sense of mystery.

Mark Goldblatt’s direction is bizarre. He’s an acclaimed editor, but his directing skills are lacking. He’s not terrible with the camera, but every shot feels basic. He doesn’t take huge risks. Having a background in editing might account for his play it safe style. Two set-pieces are a lot of fun, but neither is enough to make the film standout. The effects are great. A few of the death scenes are gory but not over the top.

Dead Heat had the potential to be an over the top fun comedy horror film. The result was fun but didn’t live up to its potential. Goldblatt’s direction was extremely bland, which made an already lifeless film worse. Piscopo isn’t bad, and it is the best thing the film has going for it. If someone other than Williams were chosen for the straight man, the film might have been funnier. Dead Heat feels like a big-budget film, but ultimately it’s a tiresome attempt at comedy horror.

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