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Return of the Living Dead II

“Sequels suck! Oh please, please! By definition alone, sequels are inferior films!”

Randy- Scream 2

Sequels rarely ever live up to their predecessors. Most sequels try to catch the same lightning in a bottle as the initial film. Some sequels not only achieve this but surpass the level of the original. Other sequels not only fail to capture the same fire as the first, but some are so bad they almost ruin the original. Return of the Living Dead II falls somewhere in the middle.

Similar to Evil Dead 2, Return of the Living Dead II is almost a remake of the first film. It’s not completely the same, but multiple actors are playing almost identical characters. The most glaring issue with this mirroring is that the first film did it flawlessly. Return replaces a mortician with a doctor and a group of punk rockers with a 9-year-old, his sister, and the cable boy.

Ken Wiederhorn took over writing and directing the sequel, and it shows. Dan O’Bannon was the heart and soul of the original. His humor, wit, and scriptwriting is so much better than Wiederhorn. I’m not saying Wiederhorn didn’t try his best, but instead of making the film his own, he tried to copy O’Bannon.

James Karen and Thom Mathews try their best to save this movie but ultimately make it barely watchable. The comedy beats are the same but are done with less conviction. The rest of the cast isn’t very good either. I hate to pick on child actors, but Michael Kenworthy, who plays Jesse, is terrible.

Beyond the terrible cast and lifeless script, there are some creative horror scenes. Nothing comes close to touching the warehouse scene in the original, but there are some fun zombie kills. The makeup is once again top-notch. A particular scene in the hospital puts the effects center stage.

Return of the Living Dead II is a lifeless sequel that makes the first film shine even brighter. The comedy is a completely ripped off the original and isn’t nearly as funny. The makeup and effects are just as well done. James Karen is fun, but even his talents can’t save this sequel.

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